Marking Time: A Month of Tiny Paintings

One of my favourite kinds of YouTube videos is the nighttime routine. There’s something oddly soothing about watching people wash their faces, pack their bags for the next day and do yoga. Those videos always make me want to reassess my own evening routine and make some changes (that no-screens before bed thing is still a work in progress). 

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Neutralising Stendhal Syndrome? : Thoughts on taking Pictures in Venice.

n his book ‘Venice is a Fish,’ Tiziano Scarpa writes at length on the potentially lethal effects of being continually surrounded by the beauty of this city: 

‘In the historic centre, the aesthetic radioactivity is extremely high. Every angle radiates beauty….you are face-butted, slapped, abused by beauty, Andrea Palladio topples you over…Mauro Codussi and Jacopo Sansovino finish you off. You feel terrible. It’s the famous illness of Monsieur Henri Beyle, a disorder known to history as Stendhal syndrome.’ 

‘the tourists are lucky: the moment they find themselves confronted by a splendid piece of architecture, the neutralize the aesthetic radioactivity by boxing it away in a camera.’ 

[Tiziano Scarpa, Venice is a Fish: A Cultural Guide, Serpent’s Tail, 2010]

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