January in Pictures.
I know everyone, everywhere has said it, but January has been a very long month. Although it hasn’t been cold here in York, it’s been unendingly dark and grey - a month of waking up in darkness, of making stew and baked potatoes (and worrying that it’s not really cold enough for stew) of curling up on the sofa under a blanket with a book and of being at home mostly, and trying to be slow and mindful. I always try to give myself a free pass in January, to remember that it’s always a bad month for anxiety and to try to be gentle with myself, accepting that I won’t get as much done as I will in the later months of the year. I’ve meditated, gone on long walks, had dinner with friends, watched a lot of New Girl, had a lovely and peaceful day retreat with my home sangha, swum lengths of our local pool and felt unexpected hope and joy at the sight of the sun glittering on the Cathedral windows or birds passing overhead in a powder blue sky. Little signs of spring which make me feel optimistic and hopeful for the months ahead.